Get a UK Carnet
This is a partial list of countries and territories that do not yet officially accept ATA Carnets. In all cases, a carnet can be used as a substitute for the U.S. Certificate of Registration CBP4455 and possibly will be accepted in the foreign country for temporary importation. However, that acceptance is not guaranteed when entering a non-carnet country.
A Carnet Specialist can provide more details and guidance on navigating temporary imports into carnet and non-carnet countries: 800.ATA.2900.
Anguilla | Antigua | Aruba & Curacao |
Bahamas | Barbados | Barbuda |
Bermuda | Cayman Islands | Dominica |
Grenada | Jamaica | Netherlands Antilles |
St. Kitts-Nevis | St. Lucia | St. Vincent Grenadines |
Trinidad & Tobago | Turks & Caicos Islands | U.K. Virgin Islands: Tortola |