Get a UK Carnet
Boomerang carnets has been providing ATA Carnet service to the orchestra industry since 1987. We have had internationally famous symphony orchestras and musicians, priceless musical instruments, young musicians, antique and exotic instruments, and equipment come through our doors in need of a carnet for an upcoming tour to all corners of the Earth. Music has no boundaries and using ATA Carnets to cross international borders easily and affordably is critical to touring. Our dedication to the music industry, a seed planted by our father, is unmatched and we hope every orchestra and musician gets the chance to play on an international stage someday. Having an ATA Carnet to facilitate international touring is key.
Because of our dedication to the industry, we are longstanding sponsors to the League of American Orchestras (LOAO) and the Association of British Orchestras (ABO).
League of American Orchestras
In January, we sponsored our 14th annual LOAO’s Midwinter Managers Meeting held in Detroit, Michigan. The event is a forum for executive directors and youth orchestra administrators to connect and exchange ideas. Marge Walsh, ATA Carnet Specialist, hosted the Opening Night Reception and was delighted to see so many new, young faces in the crowd. Robert A. Reed, Executive Director of Madison Symphony Orchestra was the lucky winner of the beautiful Tiffany & Co. sterling silver pen raffled off this year. The Tiffany raffle has been a crowd pleaser for all 14 years.
We thank Simon Woods, President and CEO of the League of American Orchestras, and Stephen Alter, Director of Conferences and Business Engagement at the League, for making this such a special event.
Association of British Orchestras
The ABO Annual Conference was held in Bristol in January. It is a major event of the year drawing delegates from orchestras both within the U.K. and abroad. As both an ABO member and sponsor, boomerang carnets UK was honored to, again, sponsor the name badge lanyards worn by attendees.
The U.K.’s orchestras, ensembles and individual musicians have faced unplanned complications and full work stoppage due to Brexit and the international touring hurdles it created. Although ATA Carnet use to the EU has provided a solution, unfortunately, carnets can’t help with the increase in red tape and expense of visas. This year’s ABO conference agenda focused on the “Creative Solutions” available to British orchestras on and off the concert platform. Kudos to ABO leadership and team for a great event.
The Boomerang Benefit in Action
The Boston Symphony Orchestra's 2023 European Tour was a harmonious success, thanks in part to the seamless collaboration between boomerang carnets US and boomerang carnets UK. The majority of instruments and equipment were exported with ease using ATA Carnets provided by boomerang carnets US. Additionally, specialized instruments for musicians joining the tour in the U.K. were efficiently handled with ATA Carnets issued by boomerang carnets UK.
This streamlined process not only saved the Boston Symphony Orchestra time but also eliminated unnecessary paperwork reducing expenses. The orchestra, and their freight forwarder, benefited from the convenience of dealing with a single entity located the U.S. and the U.K. and saved money, time and hassle. The BSO’s tour is a testament to the effectiveness and convenience of the Boomerang Benefit.
When you’re planning a tour, call for a quote. International Orchestra Tours: Costs and Savings | ATA Carnet
Grant Opportunity
Boomerang Carnets is offering a limited number of Carnets "Play the World" Grants to support LOAO Members and ABO members with delegate fees to upcoming Conferences. Click here to view eligibility criteria and details of how to apply.
It Matters Where You Get Your Carnet
If you would like to know more about ATA Carnets for your business, organization, orchestra, small musical group, or for yourself, call us. Boomerang’s Carnet Specialists can answer any questions you may have. We are here to assist you 24/7, just call the Carnet HelpLine® 1-800-ATA-2900 |1-800-282-2900 or email us. Also, if you want to ship by cargo, Boomerang has freight forwarder partners who can deliver your carnet to you, as well as handle your freight. Ask about our Boomerang Freight® Solutions when you call or email us.
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