Get a UK Carnet
The Asia-Pacific region of the world has an abundance of opportunity for Business Growth. Eighteen countries in the Asia Pacific are part of the ATA Carnet system. They are Australia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam. ATA Carnets make international business growth accessible with its built-in benefits as a flexible international trade tool.
The ATA Carnet is an internationally accepted customs document for temporarily exported merchandise, goods, or equipment (boomerang freight®) that allows for cross-border movement of those goods import-duty and -tax free in and out of 87+ carnet countries and territories for up to a year. Also known as the Merchandise Passport, the ATA Carnet is a unique international trade tool for accessing foreign markets easily and affordably. ATA Carnets can be utilized to demonstrate your product to prospective buyers, take part in international trade shows, and transport professional equipment for a contracted job across international borders.
This past year, boomerang carnets® sponsored the 2023 International Compliance Professionals Association (ICPA) Asia-Pacific Conference in Portland, Oregon. The agenda held two days of firsthand trade compliance training specifically geared toward relevant Asia-Pacific trade topics. Monika Jadeszko, VP of Global Carnet Operations, boomerang carnets, was available to answer questions about ATA Carnets. The Asia-Pacific region is a global powerhouse for economic growth and ATA Carnets can play a role in growing your business there.
A Boomerang Customer Success Story
A longstanding customer who has been using carnets since 2006, illustrates how carnets can grow your business, increase your international presence, and save money in the process. The company manufactures scientific measurement equipment and they use ATA Carnets to exhibit, demonstrate, and sell their equipment internationally. The following is a quote from our esteemed client on using ATA Carnets to grow their business.
“The carnet has been a very big part of growing our customer base in the Pacific Rim as well as gaining a bigger presence in Europe. It has definitely been a helpful tool in making our demos and trade shows a success and helps us gain prospective new customers. The carnet really helps control cost with the elimination of duties, taxes, and temporary importation bonds. It takes the guesswork out of budgeting for travel through multiple countries…makes it more cost efficient. A big feature for us is the simplicity and ease of having one document that can move our goods to multiple destinations for up to a year, before coming back home. The carnet allows us to move freely about the globe wherever we need to be and save time and money in the process.”
Call boomerang carnets
Boomerang’s Carnet Specialists can answer any questions you may have. We are here to assist you 24/7, just call the Carnet HelpLine® 1-800-ATA-2900 |1-800-282-2900 or email us. Also, if you want to ship by cargo, Boomerang has freight forwarder partners who can deliver your carnet to you, as well as handle your freight. Ask about our Boomerang Freight® Solutions service when you call or email us.
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It matters where you get your carnet.